I love this cardigan. A couple of the seams need reinforcing and there's a small stain on the back of the left sleeve, but it has a cool cardigan, fits perfect, and is one of the softest things I own. I also bought it after a rather bad morning and was debating not getting it because "would I really wear it?" and "did I really need it?" but ultimately I decided to "treat myself" since I was feeling so poorly. I have worn it often since buying it--enough for a remix post. When you find something you like--you make room for it. When you crack the spine of a novel you really enjoy you allow it to absorb you like a sponge; you might forsake meals or evenings out in exchange of a few stolen hours tucked into bed with your nose between its pages. When you find someone you like you shift your schedule to mirror theirs whenever possible, neglecting other friends and eating Chinese food once a week because of how much they love lo mein. It can be the same with clothes. Instead of seeking supposed basics we are advised to purchase and clutter our closets with, we could instead try to find articles of clothing we really enjoy: things that make us feel powerful or stylish or merely comfortable. Because whether it seems like a basic piece you can wear often or not, when you love wearing something and the way it makes you feel when it is on--you'll find a way to wear it often. Like this dress--you wouldn't think a dress featuring a growling panther across the chest is particularily wearable but I've worn it more times than I care to count.
Hi! Welcome to my dusty, wee corner of the Internet. What started as a fashion blog has now become a window into the wild and a way to share a moment of calm and quiet.