Oh how nice to have the appropriate weather to give that title a go this month, no? We've actually had fairly lovely weather this April (as opposed to March) and it's been so nice to just linger outside after snapping pictures, or enjoy dinner with company in our tiny square of a backyard. It's quite odd that--a square of a backyard, a bit of concrete lined with a fence for privacy and given personality with string lights, a few potted plants, and a bit of outdoor furniture. I've never really lived properly in a city before aside from when I was very little or studies abroad during college, so this will be my first summer without a yard. I don't have much of a green thumb, so I'm not bitter about the loss of flowers or the need to mow, but there's something about watching thunderstorms roll in over fields or fireflies gather that will be missed with city-dwelling. New experiences though, eh? Exploring "first fridays" downtown on a regular basis and dropping by a neighbor's porch for pancake breakfasts on a Saturday are new memories in the making. All in all I'm looking forward to what summer in the city has to offer...
Hi! Welcome to my dusty, wee corner of the Internet. What started as a fashion blog has now become a window into the wild and a way to share a moment of calm and quiet.