Sunday Remix

Previous outfit post links one and two. Previous outfit posts links one and two. Previous outfit post links one and two. Previous outfit posts links one and two.
Previous outfit posts links one and two.

Here's a little fall or winter to spring or summer remix. I'm often told it isn't practical for me to wear dresses in winter, but every year I manage alright. The trick isn't even so much layering, but recognizing how much time you spend outside. My lifestyle doesn't really call for extensive hikes through the woods and if you're passing from the heated indoors to another building with just a brisk walk outside you can usually manage in dresses and tights. Anyway, slight tangent from the point of this post which is: remixing based on season. Nearly all of my dresses get worn in every season so it's nice to show how they look both layered and worn more simply.


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