It's still quite early for Fall and the temperatures remain sweltering, but it's nice to see a few signs of the coming season here and there. Walking around the city I hear the gentle crunch of leaves underfoot every so often and a small scattering of yellow leaves often litters my car windows each morning. We're still a long way off from short days and pecan pies, but I'm seeing pumpkins for sale in the roadside stands and advertisements for corn mazes peppering the country roads I often find myself on. This dress makes for a lovely transitional piece; the sleeves indicate a cooler season while the fabric is lightweight enough to still be bearable in today's weather. I think it will make the perfect holiday party dress, but for now it was a nice option for a day I was feeling like being more dolled up during. We can just say that instead of celebrating an exchange of gifts or family gathering, I'm wearing this dress to welcome the first signs of autumn.

Outfit details:
Seychelles heels
*pictures by Kate
*pictures by Kate