When my lease was up at my last house I moved rather than commit to another year-long lease; part one of my eventual move to Northern Ireland. The process of moving meant all of my belongings were boxed up and are now slowly being un-boxed at my new temporary home. Since I'm such an expert packer and box labeler (sarcasm) I'm finding clothes normally regulated to the back of my closet and having a nearly impossible time finding clothes that are more my default pieces. I spent a few hours turning boxes upside down to find a pair of shoes only to eventually find them in a box marked Christmas. As I said, I did a good job labeling things. Still, it's good in a way when it inspires me to pull out this Carven skirt which probably hasn't been worn in two years and these fun flats. I got the flats in college while in Europe on adventures with one of my good friends and still hang on to them because of the fond memories, but I don't wear them often because they're such a pain to lace. It'll be interesting to see what other treasures I uncover as I get through all the boxes.