I built this outfit from a vague recollection of a picture of Anna Karina painting. I knew she was wearing an oversized red sweater (like my new one) and skinny lightwash jeans and a boater hat. After running around in this and snapping pictures of the outfit I looked up the original inspiration only to realize she was wearing little black ballet flats and a black boater (or matador?) hat. So I sort of fudged it on the details, but the brogues and socks were a wiser choice for our grey day and rainy weather (you can see it mizzling in the pictures). It's just a simple sweater and jeans outfit, but with my little hat on top I can feel almost like a French New Wave actress for the day...

details: boater hat, Romwe sweater, AndMary robin necklace, Pepa Loves purse, jeans, brogues
*pictures by Thomas*

*the inspiration*