In one of my family's favorite films (My Family and Other Animals) the main character says, "I like being half-educated. You're so much more surprised at everything when you're ignorant." I feel a similar way about moving and being a newcomer in a foreign land. Things that are mundane or ordinary to the locals are an intriguing and unique experience for you. One of the things I really enjoy about being an American in Northern Ireland is all of the castles and grand estates that although obviously very old feel very "new" to me. Nearly every time someone asks me what I like about it here, my answer is usually some rambling along the lines of "so many castles!" I have a tourist's appreciation of these grand old houses and even small old houses like my own! And these sorts of settings definitely influence my style--making me lean towards more natural colors and practical, but sharp tweed-y jackets.

Joules blazer, ascot scarf, Shop Ruche dress (sold out, also love this dress & this one), vintage purse, old shoes
*pictures by Thomas*