I live in an area known as the "Apple Orchard County" which means there are apple orchards dotting nearly every hill around us. I can walk from my house to an apple orchard in less than five minutes. In autumn this means admiring the trees full of apples and a busy season of picking at all the local farms. In spring it means the fleeting blossom season where delicate pink-white blooms dot the branches and feel the air with their sweet perfume. Thomas grew up here, on an apple farm, and yet he still finds this season special, finding excuses to take the long road home from errands to drive down narrow country lanes lined with blooming cow parsley to peak into different orchards in their infinite variety. Our favorites are always the orchards left a bit wild, with grass up to your knees and hundreds of dandelions dotting the ground. The trees are a bit taller, their branches more knurled, some even keep their sheep in the orchards and you can watch spring lambs leaping wildly around below the trees. Always though the blossoms fade too soon, the petals knocked away by a gentle breeze or soft rain and the magical atmosphere starts to fade until the next year...
P.S. Use code CLOTHESHORSE15 to get 15% off your order at Palava. They have so many pretty spring prints right now! The code is good for one month.