With the start of April I'm officially in full-on blossom hunting mode. I've been pretty lucky already with finding blooms both near and far from my home this year. Usually I don't even hope for a sign of petals until mid-April, but in March I already stumbled across a blooming rhododendron not far from my home and then was treated to a number of blooming botanicals in the States while visiting my family--like this pretty bougainvillea. In Florida the color saturation feels as if it's turned up a few notches! The water is turquoise, the sun is almost constantly out, the pinks and yellows can knock your socks off! My Dad and sister helped me take these pictures in Palm Beach and I think this turquoise door and bougainvillea wall was my favorite little corner we found (although the blossoming golden trumpet trees dotting the region were also quite stunning). It felt so good to have a few days of heat and brightness, but there's definitely a lot to appreciate in the grayer explorations of my home in Ireland as well. Soon our cherry blossoms will be blooming and not long after that we'll find bluebells in the woods. It'll be a bit gloomier with more grey clouds and rain, but when spring finally arrives in full bloom in Ireland it feels as if the whole country has become one magical garden.
Hi! Welcome to my dusty, wee corner of the Internet. What started as a fashion blog has now become a window into the wild and a way to share a moment of calm and quiet.