Yesterday in my Consumer Behavior class in order to illustrate the concepts of "opinion leaders" and "innovators," among others, we chose to apply it to clothing at my college (note emphasis on clothing, not fashion since the latter is sorely lacking). Innovators are the first to try out new things, they are often into experimentation, but only sometimes what they like trickles down to the masses. One girl when describing innovators said the reason what they like doesn't always catch on is "because sometimes they're wrong" and "they like to be different." Both statements threw me quite into a tizzy, especially as she used clothing to illustrate her point.
To begin, there is no right and wrong of fashion--the experimentation is all part of the fun of fashion. Further, fashionistas aren't doing something to be different, they wear perhaps different clothing because they don't care what people think. And that's what I think it comes down to--what other people think. To truly be an innovator and original they don't care what people think, whether that makes them different or if their clothing is quote not "on trend." To be in style and for their ideas to catch on, is not what's important, to be true to their personal style and not afraid to try new things, that is the point.
So, in conclusion, there is no WRONG in fashion! There are certainly things I will not wear and don't like or don't think they suit people, but that doesn't make them WRONG. Why are we so quick to dismiss what is different from ourselves or new as wrong? What makes us so right anyway?
Others might dismiss these as wrongs (from left to right; Sartorialist, Hel-looks, Oslostil, Facehunter):