Some readers have been asking me how to get invited to a blogger conference like this one. Well, this is Weardrobe's first one and the answer is simple: join Weardrobe. Everyone who was invited is an active member of Weardrobe.
All the bloggers were so great: nonjudgmental, noncompetitive, and super friendly. I suggested we all start a fashion commune with a single shared closet and I think the idea might really take off. I should attempt a copyright...
Group shot by Suz of Weardrobe.
One the great things about this Conference was the variety of styles that Weardrobe pulled. There were vintage bloggers, modern and eclectic styles, glamazons, and the grunge-inspired. I think it gave everyone a chance to see a different perspective up close and personal. A cool experience I had was styling a mannequin for Eryn Brinie with Lucrecia of Fashion Is Poison. We have vastly different style, but collaborated and compromised to come up with an outfit. Instead of putting it directly on our mannequin we decided to test it by each of us trying it on and it goes to show you how one outfit can look completely different on two different people when their personality continues to shine through. Side note: Lucrecia is so sweet and so laid-back and a real pleasure to meet.

Earlier in the morning before we styled the mannequins we met up with Craig of Altamira. Craig had great concepts for every group photo he took. We drew quite a crowd of tourists once he started snapping in the middle of the street and between dodging cars we all were photographing him photographing others and photographing the tourists staring at us. It was full-circle photo-taking experience. You can see some of his pics of the bloggers here.

Erin of Calivintage (one of my ex-roomies!) snapped this picture of me posing in front of the Craig-induced madness. I'm wearing the velvet vintage dress I bought while I was in NYC.

On the very last morning we had a yummy brunch in the Gramercy Park Hotel penthouse (one of our frequent meeting spots during the weekend) and dove into an awesome clothing swap. There were so many wonderful clothes and so much overweight and overstuffed luggage that some people ended up going home with the items they brought! Not me though, I ended up snatching several amazing pieces from various bloggers. Out of sheer eagerness I was a bit aggressive to be honest, but even I resisted adding too much more to my luggage. Still wonder if I should have snagged more or less...

This picture snagged by Sara of Style Magnet is a fantastic example of my size. People are always surprised by how petite I am in person (5'1"); so I thought I'd share this comparison since I don't usually pose with other people. Please note, The Glamourai is not a giant nor even of model height (though she is wearing heels and I am in flats); I'm just petite. And I love this image.
Here's a couple more outfit shots of me from Day 2 of the Conference these were snapped by the gorgeous Claire of Faboo. She's an aspiring photographer who admires Annie Leibowitz among other photographers and I really am enjoying all the wonderful images she is posting. I'm wearing an ASOS dress, my Bona Drag flats, my Talonalia necklace, and a secondhand scarf.

P.S. I'm in the new issue of Spilled Milk. Check me out on page 30!
I'll finish this entry with a creepy pic of me on the last morning snapped by Erin of Calivintage.
P.P.S. A reminder that today is the last day to enter the YarnOverMovement Giveaway. Enter here.

All the bloggers were so great: nonjudgmental, noncompetitive, and super friendly. I suggested we all start a fashion commune with a single shared closet and I think the idea might really take off. I should attempt a copyright...

Earlier in the morning before we styled the mannequins we met up with Craig of Altamira. Craig had great concepts for every group photo he took. We drew quite a crowd of tourists once he started snapping in the middle of the street and between dodging cars we all were photographing him photographing others and photographing the tourists staring at us. It was full-circle photo-taking experience. You can see some of his pics of the bloggers here.

On the very last morning we had a yummy brunch in the Gramercy Park Hotel penthouse (one of our frequent meeting spots during the weekend) and dove into an awesome clothing swap. There were so many wonderful clothes and so much overweight and overstuffed luggage that some people ended up going home with the items they brought! Not me though, I ended up snatching several amazing pieces from various bloggers. Out of sheer eagerness I was a bit aggressive to be honest, but even I resisted adding too much more to my luggage. Still wonder if I should have snagged more or less...

This picture snagged by Sara of Style Magnet is a fantastic example of my size. People are always surprised by how petite I am in person (5'1"); so I thought I'd share this comparison since I don't usually pose with other people. Please note, The Glamourai is not a giant nor even of model height (though she is wearing heels and I am in flats); I'm just petite. And I love this image.

Here's a couple more outfit shots of me from Day 2 of the Conference these were snapped by the gorgeous Claire of Faboo. She's an aspiring photographer who admires Annie Leibowitz among other photographers and I really am enjoying all the wonderful images she is posting. I'm wearing an ASOS dress, my Bona Drag flats, my Talonalia necklace, and a secondhand scarf.

P.S. I'm in the new issue of Spilled Milk. Check me out on page 30!
I'll finish this entry with a creepy pic of me on the last morning snapped by Erin of Calivintage.
P.P.S. A reminder that today is the last day to enter the YarnOverMovement Giveaway. Enter here.