I have been on the hunt for a little, black patent doctor's bag (preferably vintage) for ages. Recently, I spied this little number at a super reduced price and snatched it up...I'm not gonna lie, it doesn't meet the ideal I have concocted in my mind. It's a little large, a little too modern, and surprisingly heavy as well. So, the hunt will go on...I would actually be happy to trade this bag if someone has my perfect vintage doctor bag hiding in their closet!
That's the problem with expectations and mental images. You build up this ideal in your head that is next to impossible (or at least difficult!) to meet and then you're inevitably disappointed. I'm working on having lower expectations, but part of me is still a dreamer who will conjure up visions in her head.

Outfit details:
UO jacket
vintage dress
Target tights
maroon booties
Juicy Couture purse via Gilt
self-mixed nail polish
One favorite dresses lately is this little white, vintage number. It's the perfect shape for me and definitely a malleable color.