Pictures attempted just after sunset when the sun has dipped below the horizon line, but the sky is still pink is my favorite time to take photographs...and the most difficult! I find myself lying in wait for that perfect moment and then racing back and forth between my tripod and the chosen spot while the light changes and fades. Add wind gusts to the mix and well, things get even more unruly. Still, I muddle through. At the moment I'm enjoying slightly grainy and soft focus images.
This dress has become my favorite "throw it on and go" piece, but I've mostly been wearing it on the weekends so it hasn't gotten properly photographed. The dress has a very cool assymetrical waistline that dips and curves. I also really enjoy the floral print that is blown-out and blurred, so that you sort of think your vision is going when you look at I said, I'm enjoying soft focus at the moment!