Allow me a moment of fancy--I recently re-read Cecelia Dart-Thornton's Bitterbynde Trilogy (a really fantastic fairy tale) which includes a swanmaiden. Swan maidens are animal shape-shifters similar to selkies--a selkie is a seal who sheds his/her fur cloak to walk the earth in a human form; swan maidens fly as swans, but may shake off their feather cloaks and appear human. You might also be familiar with the ballet Swan Lake which isn't specifically about swan maidens since those are bewitched maidens and a swan maiden is actually a mythical creature of his/her own race. Not to get too convoluted in irrelevant mythology: this dress is my feather cape. I've been eyeing it for ages and finally couldn't resist any longer. The colors are my absolute favorites to wear and the all-over feather print is both unique and simply stunning. Wearing it hardly gives me wings, but it is nearly as precious to me as swan maiden who possessively guards her cloak.