I'm writing this post on my phone, backstage at Carnegie Hall in snippets of stolen moments. For the past week I've been chaperoning a group of young musicians from abroad and it's been a hectic schedule--I'm typically on duty from 6:30 AM to 11:00PM but I'm in a rare moment of calm right now as the kids rehearse for their biggest performance yet to a sold out house. The dressing room is quiet and I'm seated looking out at New York City skyscrapers and apartment buildings while a charming blend of traditional Afghan music and classical plays in the background. It's so different from my usual scenery and sounds (my sister once claimed the mixes playing in my car sounded like a hipster elevator), but at this particular moment I wouldn't change anything. These pictures were snapped on one of my final days in Pennsylvamia and I know the pastoral settings I so enjoy will be waiting unchanged for me when I get back. If my schedule permits I'll be sharing new pictures from my adventures shortly.
Hi! Welcome to my dusty, wee corner of the Internet. What started as a fashion blog has now become a window into the wild and a way to share a moment of calm and quiet.