I threw my hair brush away over a year ago--sometime after my transition from bob to pixie and my move from Virginia to Pennsylvania it just seemed like a waste. Since I kept my hair quite short there was never a need for it, but I think I'm beginning to need more of a morning routine than finger-combing. Minimal make-up or hair styling is part of the way I feel comfortable wearing slightly fancier clothes for day. Yes, I'm wearing a pair of peep-toes, but look how light my makeup is and the lack of style to my hair--it's not really trying "too hard" no? Of course, I don't think people should be penalized for trying too hard anyway, especially when the opposite lack of effort seems to be rewarded or at least much more accepted. But we all have our own little ways of coping and feeling comfortable in clothes that might turn a few heads at the grocery store. Do you try to "balance" your personal style?
Hi! Welcome to my dusty, wee corner of the Internet. What started as a fashion blog has now become a window into the wild and a way to share a moment of calm and quiet.