If a style blogger falls off the Internet they make a sound--and being the Internet that sound is repeated and repeated for eons. When regular fashion blogger Agathe of Style Bytes (possibly the first personal style blogger to exist) abruptly stopped posting without warning dozens of blog posts and articles sprung up around the web speculating on her disappearance and what it all meant. Other fashion bloggers who followed Agathe but had no personal connection to the Norway-based secretary-slash-blogger had to make public posts explaining they did not know where Agathe was or how to contact her. It was all a bit crazy and while the mystery has since been solved (she split from her blog photographer-husband and no longer had any interest in the site they had created together) there is still a void in the Internets where she once belonged. When I look back on outfits she posted in 2008, I'm struck by how they remain relevant today--her mix of vintage and high street brands (H&M was a favorite) would still look stylish on a blogger today. While she never invested in a fancy DSLR and prime lens, there's no denying the quality and theatricality of her photographs snapped with a simple digital camera (definitely a photo tip here: it's not just your equipment that makes for a good photograph). I was and remain inspired by Agathe's style and I do hope she is enjoying her life off the Internet these days.