This look feels very old-school classic to me. Like something Audrey Hepburn (apologies for the "cliche" reference) might wear, although perhaps updated a bit with the shorter hemline and extra straps on the heels! It's mostly the sunglasses and trench coat that give the feel. I actually wrote an essay my freshman year of college on the history of the trench coat--how it went from literally being worn in the trenches by soldiers to being worn by the leading women of Hollywood. It's interesting the journey clothes take sometimes--like jeans were originally intended for miners, but now they're the default outfit for most of the population. Jeans were also my default for many years, but today I'm more likely to be caught in a classic dress and trench coat which just shows that sometimes the sartorial evolution is personal as well as societal.

Outfit details:
Baublebar earrings
Baublebar earrings
old ASOS trench (similar)