For every hair tutorial I manage to post there's several failed hairstyles that didn't work out as planned--this halo twist is one such style. I absolutely love the way it looks when it's perfect (on others!) and understand the technique, but I still haven't mastered it yet. So this post is meant as a bit of encouragement--practice makes perfect.

While my skin is far from perfect, my skin care routine is a frequently asked question so I thought I'd share my everyday regime (although regime is far too strong a word for my process!). My skin care routine hasn't changed since I first started having one! My mother introduced me to Clinique beauty products when I was a teenager and while I've tried a few other products, I always come back to their 3 Step anti-blemish solutions. Since I have naturally dry skin a good moisturizer is necessary and I always begin and end each day with a generous amount of St. Ives lotion. Since I'm in my late twenties now I think I should actually up my regime with some anti-wrinkle creams, but right now these simple steps are what I use to maintain my skin.