October has become one of my favorite months, partly because it seems to be Thomas's favorite month.
I've always thought that passion or excitemnt is contagious--it's one of my top tips for people who want to get into fashion blogging, to make sure they're excited about what they're writing and doing because that attracts others and makes them excited too--and now I'm experiencing signs of October contagion! There's so many fun autumn activities to do in October, not to mention all of the costumes and candy! This October I'm also photographing a couple of weddings and attending another which has me in the mind of autumn formal wear. I definitely have loads of pretty dresses (like this lovely navy one I'm wearing today) but I do feel I have a lack of formal outerwear for cooler days and evenings. Sure you can throw a cardigan or nice coat on top, or perhaps wrap yourself in a decorative scarf, but I'm craving something a bit more glamorous. Something an old Hollywood actress might wear, like a velvet wrap or vintage fur stole. I'll be on the hunt for one this winter in the vintage shops near my parents' home.

I wonder if anyone recognized this old velvet bow belt? I made it one night in 2009 (back when I used to sew on a whim in the middle of the night) and although I haven't worn it much in recent years, I've dragged it with me from home to home a little too attached to get rid of it. When I first made it I always wore it coordinating with my outfits but standing boldly out; like pairing it with a patterned or different colored dress. Now I think I like it styled more subtly, matching the shade of my dress exactly but cinching in my waist as a more quiet detail. It's interesting how certain pieces, clothes, you keep through the years don't change (except perhaps with some wear and tear), but we see and style them differently because our perspectives and selves have changed in the intervening time.

old headband, Gatsbylady dress, DIY bow belt, old heels, Nara Hayley camera purse
*pictures by Thomas*