At least once a month while they're in season we buy a bundle of sunflowers for our house.
It's our favorite flower to bring indoors for a bit of color and sunshine in our frequently inclement sweater. So we were pleasantly surprised when we went for a walk through the park beside our home to find that a load of wild sunflowers has popped up in one of the fields over night. When we went back a few days later for pictures even more sunflowers were in bloom. We trudged around in the field for a few pictures, but were careful to only claim one flower that already had a broken stem. As tempting as it would be to fill our house with sunflowers for free, it's much better to leave them alone for everyone who visits the park to enjoy.

I haven't been feeling the most creative lately, or maybe just not the most-most (was a wee bit sick over the weekend), but I'm doing a Q&A on my Instagram stories today and it's actually inspiring me quite a bit. I feel like some of the answers to questions should be whole blog posts by themselves (since I'm not really succinct enough for short vids!).

*pictures by Thomas*