I have been really lazy with styling my hair lately! I basically do my overnight curling technique and then brush in the morning and go. If I feel like putting extra effort in I throw on a beret or put my hair in a half up-do and call it day. So lazy! Part of the reason I'm keeping my hair long right now is so that I can do fun hair styles, but I haven't really been doing any. So last Wednesday I basically made myself do something different and came up with these messy fishtail pigtails. I loved how they looked during the day and later in the evening I pinned them up into milkmaid braids when I was doing chores around the house. The style got a lot of positive feedback on Instagram so I thought I'd do a quick tutorial for you showing how to make these braids for yourself. Fishtails are an easy, but intimidating style and can be mastered with practice and patience. A great way to do fishtails if you're still learning is to aim for a messy style where your mistakes are less obvious!

Step one: start by dividing your hair into two pigtails and tie off with hair elastics.
Step two: a fishtail braid is a two strand braid. divide your pigtail into two sections.
Step three: take a small piece of hair from the outside of your right section and add it to the left, pull tight.
Step four: take a small piece of hair from the outside of your left section and add to the right, pull tight.
Step five: keep repeating these steps, taking one section of hair from the outside of one side and adding it to the other, pull tight after each added piece until you reach the ends. tie off with a hair elastic. don't worry too much if your pieces are even or perfect because we're going to mess them up later.
Step six: repeat the same two strand braiding method on your other pigtail. tie off with a hair elastic.
Step seven: mess them up! start pancaking your braids and pulling them apart for a fuller, messier look.
That's it! This is one way to wear your fishtail braids. Add a beret, or skip the accessories and go out with your fishtail pigtails. The pancaking in the final step will give your braids a fun and thicker look, although you can also skip this step if you prefer neater, tighter braids.

For style two grab a few bobby pins and pin your braids on top of your head into a milkmaid braid. Start by pinning one side flat and then adding the second side and tucking the ends of your braids underneath. Different from regular milkmaid braids the fishtails give this look a lot of texture and movement.