Would it surprise you if I told you these pictures were taken in the rain? Or rather between spouts of rain with a few gusts of wind thrown in for good measure? Most of my pictures seem to be taken in the rain or just between rain clouds. For someone with a sensitivity to the cold I've grown quite the tolerance for damp toes and oversize straw hats are nearly as practical for holding off a mizzle as the umbrella I never seem to have on hand. When I lived in Washington State they used to say you could spot the tourists by their umbrellas. The locals never bothered with them; when you live in a constantly wet environment you practically grown gills. Perhaps its those few formative years we spent there--my recesses in school spent outside even in a downpour--but I still have a similar philosophy: the rain can't stop your parade. I make consolations for the weather to be sure; I add jackets when necessary and avoid long walks on a wet night, but ultimately I drag myself out even in clammy conditions. The alternative action is unfortunately to stay inside for weeks at a time. The substitute wardrobe consists of wellies and rain slickers and while I do like a wellie now and again, I'm not too fond of rain slickers. So here's a little not-so-practical look I've been saving for a rainy day. Isn't it good we have those in abundance? More excuses for polka dots and ginormous hats.