Read any good books lately? Honestly since getting Solomon and preparing for a test I have to take I haven't been reading as much as I'd like to. I have been catching the occasional podcast and listening to a few books on tape, but I'm really looking forward to putting this test behind me and cozying up with a blanket and good book in my favorite window seat while the wind stirs the leaves outside. We're certainly getting into the season of "mists and mellow fruitfulness;" the other morning there was a fog blanketing the village and a whisper of frost is starting to make our garden wilt. The ground is littered with yellow and brown leaves and you can feel the days beginning to shrink. My summer clothes are officially packed away and my favorite thing to grab each morning when I roll out of bed into a room a few degrees colder than it was a month ago, is a cozy sweater. Princess Highway recently sent me a little package with this striped sweater inside and it's sweetly retro; perfect for pairing with a corduroy skirt and ballet flats or simple jeans and wellie boots when I'm out chasing Solomon through the apple orchards. I try to avoid wearing the wellies when I head into town or the library though, all these lovely old tomes call for a bit of sprucing one's self up. It's always a delight to wander through this old research library and admire the gilt-edged books, marbled pages, and wrought iron spiral staircase leading to yet another floor of leather-bound books. Can you imagine a more cozy corner to curl up with a good novel and watch the gloom set in outside?