Happy Halloween!

I had so much fun taking these spooky pictures for Halloween! We had a carving night with cider and Hocus Pocus playing in the background while Thomas forced the largest pumpkin we had picked on me! I had chosen a more humble, round pumpkin from the patch earlier but our climate hasn't been ideal for pumpkins this year and several of the ones we chose rotted on our porch before we had a chance to carve them. Ironically, this giant pumpkin managed to survive and I had the dubious honor of carving him. I never like choosing a too-large pumpkin as I feel like there's extra pressure for you to carve it well. Plus, I knew I wanted to take some pictures with mine and this beast is almost too heavy for me to lift! In the end though I was pretty happy with the face I chose this year and I love how these pictures came out. Happy Halloween everyone!haha-2 collage
"Black cats in the bramble! 
 Bats, wings flashing all a-flurry! 
 Elves, goblins, pixies whirl and scurry! 
 It’s chatter, clatter, giggle, scramble! 
 Old-Jack-o’lantern’s in a hurry! 
 Who cares? It’s fun without a worry! 
 The glow-worm sputters spooky green! 
 Whew-ey, what fun this Hallowe’en!"
~John Martin haha-5 haha-4
black dress
*edited with Pumpkin Patch from my Harvest Pack*


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