I love clothes that reference my interests without being too obvious about it. For example, I want to wear clothes that remind me of libraries but I'm not as excited about a tee that reads "bookworm" on the front...I want my clothes to say book worm without the literal writing. Which is why the Leannan Sidhe dress I created with Nour & the Merchant is a bookworm dress, but it doesn't say that anywhere. Rather the custom embroidery we created for this dress is inspired by vintage book covers and we even buried a little gold-threaded book within the pattern that isn't immediately obvious. Your eye is probably first drawn to the dragons and swords and the vines that tie everything together, but there's more than one hidden detail in this embroidery--tiny moths, hawthorn blossoms, books, stars, and even a little "quiet in the wild" lurk within the folds of tulle. I see it as a dress for bookworms that are set on becoming the main character of the stories they read; a dress fit for the adventures in novels or stumbling across the fae in the woods.