I popped up to London the other day largely so I could meet-up with the lovely Laetitia of Mademoiselle Robot (who I thought I was going to miss entirely while I was in the UK...but that's another story). First though, I met up with Kristabel who helped me take some street fashion pictures. She was so good at approaching people, or even chasing them down the street when necessary! I'm no Scott Schuman, but I'm excited I finally took a few photographs of the styles I've been admiring, although the rain did seem to chase the stylish off the street and indoors. (I'll be posting my pictures in a few days.) We were hunting for the fashionable in the Brick Lane area, so it was natural to go into the vintage shops we assumed they would frequent...

After all my people-chasing and pseudo-stalking it was quite pleasant to meet up with Laetitia and Loulou (of the gorgeous Loulou Loves You line) at a cafe and dry off for a bit. I'm always worried with blogger meet ups that conversation which happens sporadically but easily online will be difficult to generate in the real world, but once again this was not the case! It was also quite fun to note our similar hair color and I wouldn't have minded trading outfits with either of them. Laetitia was wearing an adorable Loulou Loves You floral headband and I loved the contrast in Loulou's outfit with her biker-esque jacket and sweet dress.