I drove up to Pennsylvania for a couple of days to visit a friend from college. It's rather funny: we went to the same school, but we met in Greece and we probably never would have ended up as friends if our school hadn't chosen to put us together in our apartment in Athens. Even then we never hung-out without the general crowd until everyone started to make plans for long weekends and we bonded over the desire to go to a country no one else wanted to visit: Hungary. I was slightly leery of flying to another country with a girl I had never had a one-on-one conversation with, but I had traveled to Greece without knowing anyone...It ended up being one of the coldest, yet best few days. We quickly planned another trip (to Germany) which went equally well. Earlier this year she visited me in Washington State and now I'm excited to return the favor (burden?). We're already planning more trips and other adventures that are only limited by our wallets.