Where did the spring go? The flowers seemed to bloom and perish in the same week. The temperatures rose unsteadily and suddenly. The ice in my veins has begun to melt. It's early May and my skin is already pinking in this bright sun. I have no complaints.
Perhaps the most perfect summer party frock I possess is this brocade one by Neneee. It was born of the dress I collaborated with her on and is exactly the style piece I want to wear every day...So I wear it during the day while running errands even though it is so lovely and fancy. My life is not one of endless parties, but rather feels like one of endless errands, e-mails, and dog-watching. I did attend a bonfire last week, but I was the only one in a dress. Still, it was quite an enjoyable evening and a few people managed to pry me free of my hermit shell...for a few hours anyway. 

Outfit details:
Amandadeer necklace
DKNY heels