Spent a fun day a little while ago visiting loads of antique malls and vintage stores with my mother and aunt. There's a number I'm familiar with in Carlisle since my parents were stationed in that town for a year and we used to visit them frequently together. While I have a favorite thrift shop in my new town, I haven't spent a day exploring any antique stores locally yet (should get on that...). Sometimes I get lucky in antique malls and walk away with pretty vintage dresses in just my size or a stack of old National Geographics perfect for my collages, but most of the time it's more about just browsing. It's fun to poke around and see all the random things people have collected from matchboxes to brooches and appreciate all the neat items that are out of your budget like Victorian dresses or ancient slot machines. I only walked away from this venture with a small touch lamp, but it was definitely worth the trip just to spend some time appreciating all those old curiosities. It's also nice inspiration on how to decorate your house (if you enjoy the cluttered, mismatched look, which I do).