September has been exceedingly lovely. If L. M. Montgomery was glad to live in a world where "that are Octobers," then at this point I'm excited to live in a country where September exists. The days are mild, the nights are clear and full of stars, and a little bit of fall color is starting to show in the forests. Thomas's work has also taken him on the road lately and it's been fun to tag along and enjoy some more of this lovely island. The number one question I get when I talk to people lately is "how are you liking Northern Ireland." The answer is easy enough--I am liking it. However, it's strange--somedays I wake up and think "is this my life?" But most of the time everything just feels completely right; as if I've been here for longer.
P.S. This dress is on sale now! I feel like it was only yesterday I was drooling over Samantha Pleet's spring/summer collection and now fall is about to hit the shelves and hurt my wallet. Anyway, if you love small designer collections and don't always feel like you have the money to invest, now is the time to be looking at their shops because a lot of spring/summer pieces will be on sale--you might not be able to wear them until next spring but the quality usually means they'll last a lifetime.

details: feather barrette, sunglasses, cardigan, Samantha Pleet dress, vintage belt, shoes, old backpack
*pictures by Thomas*