A more casual look than my usual from a day exploring with Thomas. Most days here feel like this weird mix of really comfortable and at ease as if this has always been my life and then I'll have moments where I look around and think "is this my life?" Sometimes it feels like an extended vacation or just strange dream and I'll wake up in my old Pennsylvania apartment with my friends, but instead the day goes on and I remain here. It's good, I like where my life is, but it definitely takes getting used to. Moving is always tricky and I'm both fortunate and unfortunate that I have a lot of experience with moving. It's always annoying and you're a bit of a loner for awhile, but at the same time it's familiar to me and I have patience with the process. And on a day like this when it's not too cold and I'm out on a walk with Thomas, life is very much "pinch me to prove this is real" in the best way.

*pictures by Thomas*