Around three years ago Thomas walked into my kitchen in Pennsylvania, introduced himself to me and turned my life upside down in a single night (in a good way). I should also add he was invited into my house by my housemates, so it wasn't as if some random Irish man broke into my kitchen and still managed to sweep me off my feet--my life isn't that kind of a romance novel! But it was and is still a bit surreal; I knew something was different the first night I met him and he must have felt it too since we officially committed ourselves to a long distance relationship a week after our first date. I couldn't have predicted any of this; I had often wondered if I would ever get married, I had never thought I could fall in love in one conversation or that my future would be in a foreign country. We aren't super intense about anniversaries especially because there seems to be so many--the anniversary of when we met, or when we started dating, or maybe when I got my visa or maybe our wedding anniversary? But we like spending time together--especially in this sweet cottage nestled in the Mourne mountains--so that's what this night away was about; time together with less distractions. It's becoming our favorite place to escape to for a weekend to unwind; with no Internet and limited cell reception we turn off our electronics and just enjoy each other's company, the roaring fires (one in the main room and one in the bedroom for the coziest nights!), and curl up with books. It's beautiful to sit out and enjoy the view when it's sunny, but I think I prefer misty and wet days up here, listening to the rain patter against the tin roof and leaning a little bit closer to the fire. On this visit I also convinced Thomas to join me in a few self-timer photographs. We recently received a couple of pairs of shoes from Cloggs (my go-to shoe shop lately) and I've been wanting to do a few "his and hers" style posts with Thomas since he is so often behind the camera.

details: old cardigan, vintage dress c/o Sweet Bee Finds, old belt, Hush Puppies c/o Cloggs
his details: old sweater, old trousers, Vans c/o Cloggs
his details: old sweater, old trousers, Vans c/o Cloggs