Outfit: Emily & Fin Harlequin Print

File this look under outfits that feel perfectly me.
Vintage inspired dress in a colorful print (complete with pockets)? Check! Vaguely nautical or mermaid inspired cardigan? Check! Finish with a novelty purse and colorful heels? Check and check! Sometimes I try certain looks to get myself out of my comfort zone--I experiment with maxi dresses and try different silhouettes or new accessories. Other days I just wear the sort of clothes that I feel very at home in and this outfit falls in the latter category.    Originally I typed "clothes I feel comfortable in," but I realized the term comfortable was too limited. Comfortable can be warm clothes on a brisk day, or shoes that don't give your feet blisters--good things, to be sure, but they don't necessarily mean pieces you really like and appreciate beyond the physical needs of being clothed. "At home" seems much more apt for what I mean, since your home is often your private sanctuary from the world; the place where your heart rests and you craft to suit your whims and lifestyle. When you wear clothes that also have that feeling in them, then it's almost as if you can carry a bit of your home or world on your back. (Like a hermit crab, but more poetic!) So this outfit feels like one of those sorts to me; an outfit I feel I could go almost anywhere in, that carries some gossamer layer of confidence and security woven into the fabric.
*pictures by Thomas*


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