This spring I've been avoiding dark clothing like the plague.
I think it's a reaction to how long fall and winter felt. Too many dark days and darker nights that seemed to stretch on endless while I wrapped myself in clothes that were chosen more for comfort and coziness than cuteness. Dark clothes too, ones that matched the landscape and weather. Now that it's finally bright and warm I've only been reaching for the brightest clothes--pastels (that I usually avoid!), light neutrals, everything that feels airy and easy. But some of my favorite summer outfits in past years have featured little black dresses and matching sandals. So I'm starting to get over my noir fear and reaching for darker, richer pieces that work just as well in sunshine as they do in rain. My playfully printed new dress from The Other Sparrows fits the bill nicely. All of their dresses are cut in the same classic, simple style but rendered in so many different prints you have trouble choosing a favorite. I don't know if it's the remix of Fast Cars that has been playing on the radio lately or my love of vintage vehicles, but I couldn't resist this retro automobile print.

I think it's a reaction to how long fall and winter felt. Too many dark days and darker nights that seemed to stretch on endless while I wrapped myself in clothes that were chosen more for comfort and coziness than cuteness. Dark clothes too, ones that matched the landscape and weather. Now that it's finally bright and warm I've only been reaching for the brightest clothes--pastels (that I usually avoid!), light neutrals, everything that feels airy and easy. But some of my favorite summer outfits in past years have featured little black dresses and matching sandals. So I'm starting to get over my noir fear and reaching for darker, richer pieces that work just as well in sunshine as they do in rain. My playfully printed new dress from The Other Sparrows fits the bill nicely. All of their dresses are cut in the same classic, simple style but rendered in so many different prints you have trouble choosing a favorite. I don't know if it's the remix of Fast Cars that has been playing on the radio lately or my love of vintage vehicles, but I couldn't resist this retro automobile print.

*pictures by Thomas*