Sometimes people ask if Thomas and I were ever long distance. The answer is yes; our entire dating relationship was long distance, but being in a long distance relationship didn't end when I moved here, in fact it reversed. Suddenly the family I was close to "back home" was far away and the single long distance relationship I had was now my only "close" relationship. Gone are the days when my parents were a drive away, gone are casual phone calls could happen without pre-planning; with the time difference I often miss or forget to respond to texts received at weird hours. Skype dates have to be scheduled and making time to connect has to be intentional. I wish I could say I'm a pro at this whole distance thing, but the truth is I'm pretty bad at it. It often takes the other person reaching out to me for me to be reminded that we haven't connected in awhile, which is why I probably need to be working my way through 52 Lists for Togetherness by Moorea Seal. I've never been one for an actual, physical journal, but I have to say I'm really loving this one and the theme of the journal really aligns with my personal goals. Instead of staring at a blank page wondering what to write, the journal has a list for each week of the year. Each list has a theme and direction, some even have fun quizzes, guiding you through the year with the goal of helping your connect with those who matter to you. I'm on list 5 now and it's already making me more mindful of the relationships I've been neglecting. I like as well that each list/week ends with a challenge to take that new mindfulness and put it into action. I'm excited to use this journal for the next year to connect more with my family and be more intentional with my time. It's also just a visual treat of a journal packed with pretty watercolors and photographs. Sound interesting? Be sure to check out my Instagram today where you could win a journal for yourself and a friend. It's definitely a useful tool for staying close with loved ones both near and far.

*Thank you to Sasquatch Books for sponsoring this post. You can buy 52 Lists for Togetherness by Moorea Seal here.*