It took a bit longer than usual this year, but I have been feeling fairly festive lately. When autumn lingers on and snow doesn't arrive, it sometimes feels odd to truly transition to winter and thoughts of the holidays. But lately I have been feeling in the holiday spirit--cozy mittens, red wellies, and giant wreath included. This wreath was actually a creative project I did to make myself feel better about all the trees chopped down in the park by my house this winter. I'm not sure if the trees were diseased or dying, but they cut down so many trees by me this year and it made me feel a bit blue to walk down those familiar paths with only scattered branches and defeated little trunks where giants once stood. So I made the effort one day with Thomas's help to gather up various branches chopped down in the park to make some wreaths and other decoration with.
It felt good to forage and find a use for the bits left behind. Thomas even used some of the trimmings to make a lovely arch over our front door; I don't believe the wee gatehouse has ever looked so festive! If trying to make something pretty out of some scraps and sadness isn't a big metaphor for 2019--I don't know what is. It's very true that we can't control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. Sometimes that means making giant wreaths with remnants from trees you loved and will miss. And with that said I'm going to take a wee break from blogging for the holidays! I'll probably still post to Instagram every so often, but otherwise I'll see you all in 2020. Merry Christmas!
Hi! Welcome to my dusty, wee corner of the Internet. What started as a fashion blog has now become a window into the wild and a way to share a moment of calm and quiet.