I only manage to cajole Thomas into contributing one blog post a year and this is it! He's sharing his top ten photographs from the past year and why he loves them, in his own words. On a blog where everything is edited and written from my perspective, it's fun to see which photographs he chose and why he enjoys them...

Photographing product other than clothing and capturing a scene, meeting brand objectives etc is no picnic, but in this case it was a picnic! These are the hardest images to get right generally for us, as so many complications can come in to play with all the props and it’s normally stressful. When picking this particular spot, a bit of luck was involved. Imagine walking into a field of heather and then trying to figure out which spot would frame the picnic best (it’s the thought process of “is this really the best spot here?” which drives me crazy). In terms of composition, the ferns act like a natural buffer to the heather highlighting Rebecca and the product. I don’t think I have been as happy with any other product shot as I am with this one.

We re-visited this location many times over the span of a couple of weeks waiting for winter to loosen the grip of its hold on the mourne mountains. Rebecca must be praised immensely for her efforts in the dire conditions, it’s not easy to look happy when you physically aren’t. That particular day may have been misty but takes nothing away from the depth of the subject.

Shot in Spain on a wee blogging trip, the early morning light welcomes us with a warm glow. It’s amazing how rich it can make a picture, turning some big ole stone stairs into something to marvel. I love the way you can see the banister pattern on the wall opposite. This location was a quiet corner of much more elaborate surroundings but the impact of the lighting pushes it head and shoulders above the rest of the images that day.

Caves can provide some amazing backdrops and Ireland has no shortage of them. This one I had to encourage Rebecca it was worth it, because like many locations worthwhile it involves a hike :) The mouth of the cave and its jagged teeth really add an element of magic.

One of my favourite films is “Field of Dreams” and the particular scenes when the baseball players faded into the corn, always stuck with me. This shot kind of reminds me of that crossing of worlds, with a simple dissolve or cross fade and just maybe a few frames after this one, the flower fairy would seamlessly blend in. Rebecca’s flower crown series have been a delight to photograph.

“Violet is the colour at the end of the visible spectrum of light between blue and the invisible ultraviolet.” I didn’t know that until a moment ago when I googled the colour for fun. It kind of makes me like the colour more knowing it’s the last we see. The colour palette is the strength of this picture, such lovely tones and contrast.

That moment when you leave the country but you don’t leave the country. Something the Irish people experience frequently when the sun comes out in summer. Fields of sunflowers had been a mini dream for myself and Rebecca to shoot at since we could google. Only recently have some farmers took the initiative to bring France to Ireland, and hopefully it’s here to stay for many years to come.

Normally intense overhead sun is a photographer’s nightmare but when you have a hat the size of a planet maybe we can salvage something. Rebecca’s selected dress and look really helps tie this whole shot together, like most shots really. This one feels like a fashion shoot to me which isn’t always the case.

When you go into the mountains you never know what you might find…. We found miniature ponies in abundance. Friendly and fast, our new friends gave us but a few moments to get our act together. Happily I got something we could use, normally I’m not known for my speed and often reminded of it, but that day the stars aligned!

It was quite an unexpected sea of colour from a usually barren scene but just when you think you know your local area and what it can offer, it throws you a wild card. My Dad told me that the intense colour is due to the wetness of the ground, and the unusual lack of wind that time of year helped the leaves hang about. I spent many enjoyable walks in this particular orchard, half expecting a bus full of tourists to show up and take in the famous annual display. But it never did, and when you have time, out of the ordinary scenery and willing subjects, you have a chance to create some special.